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Sign hanging over a pen of medicated growing pigs.
But I would like to sound one note of warning… There may be a danger, though, in under dosage. It is not difficult to make microbes resistant to penicillin in the laboratory by exposing them to concentrations not sufficient to kill them, and the same thing has occasionally happened in the body. The time may come when penicillin can be bought by anyone in the shops. Then there is the danger that the ignorant man may easily underdose himself and by exposing his microbes to non-lethal quantities of the drug make them resistant.  -Alexander Fleming  


In the U.S., nearly all intensively farmed animals are routinely administered low levels of antibiotics in their feed and sometimes in their water. Feed antibiotics are rarely given to treat existing sickness. It is done to improve feed efficiency and suppress disease that would otherwise spread out of control among stressed animals living too closely together. Much the way a virus spreads among students in a school classroom or among travelers on a plane.

The problem is that exposing bacteria to regular low levels of antibiotics supports the conditions for them to mutate and become resistant to the drugs. The antibiotic-resistant bacteria can then spread from animal to animal and eventually to humans. Then, the cures we have developed to treat common infections will no longer work in either humans or animals.

Because the problem is resistant bacteria, not antibiotic residues in our food, (which are almost non-existent after an appropriate withdrawal period is observed) the decision to treat individual genuinely sick animals is both compassionate and food safe.

Truebridge was founded by veterinarians who genuinely care about animal (and human) health. Antibiotics are never added into the feed, and better, safer methods are employed to prevent the spread of disease.

Truebridge pigs live in clean, airy habitats where they have enough space to be themselves. They feel relaxed around each other and the humans they interact with. This greatly reduces the likelihood that they will get sick in the first place.

A farmer leaning over a gate to give a sick sow a shot.   A cluster of private hospital stalls with sick sows rooting in their straw.
A farmer administering treatment to a sick sow.   Recuperating sows relaxing in hospital pens.
A pen of medicated growing pigs, with a Rx sign overhead.   A growing pig with an eartag to mark that it has received antibiotics.
Growing pigs who receive antibiotics are kept separate.   Ear tags are used to identify pigs that received medication.

Every so often a pig gets sick anyway, just like people do. Since pigs communicate differently than we do, the first sign they aren't feeling well is usually that they stop eating. In conventional barns, this can be hard to notice. Neighboring pigs might reach over and eat the sick pig's food, or it might go unnoticed due to the design of the feeding system. By using electronic feeders, Truebridge farmers are able to see precisely what each pig eats, and immediately notice pigs that aren't behaving normally.

Sick pigs are moved to individual pens where they won't be bothered by other animals during their recovery. They are given the medicine they need to ease their suffering and return to health as quickly as possible. Because all Truebridge True Red™ pork is antibiotic-free, these treated pigs are tracked separately and eventually sold into other markets.

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