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An ear tag in front of a computer screen.
A farmer knows from day to day, even from hour to hour the state of the weather, of his crops, of his animals....He is the man who learns by farming, to whom the very blades of grass and stalks of corn tell stories. He is the man to whom good crops sing a song and poor ones convey a painful reproach. He is the man who knows that out of the soil comes everything, that out of the soil come the answers to the questions that torment him.  -Louis Bromfield  


The first episode of the comedic television series Portlandia includes a skit in which a couple at a restaurant attempt to order the chicken entree. Despite the waitress's best efforts to answer their questions about the chicken's history, the couple soon departs for the farm to "see for themselves."

This is a telling depiction of the plight of the modern eater. Discerning consumers want to know that their standards for the food they eat are being met. It is the responsibility of the producer to give them this assurance. That is the essence of traceability.

Traceability is not only knowing where the pork came from, but what happened to it along the way. A piece of pork is only traceable when there is complete information available concerning every phase of its production.

Truebridge believes traceability is important to ensure that challenging standards are honestly upheld. That's why it oversees every step that goes into producing the pork, from the day the pig is born, until the final product is delivered.

All this data is compiled in a central database, so issues are noticed and corrected as they emerge, and customer questions can always be answered fully and forthrightly.


A handheld computer and the EID tag that identifies a sow.   A computer screen displaying a report.
Heldhelds capture data about breeding and gestating sows.   Computer reports display data about what the sows eat.
A sow card is clipped above a nursing mother's pen.   People looking at a barn chart hanging outside a door.
Paperwork above a sow's farrowing pen.   Barn charts record pig movements and treatments.
A group of hospital pens, with red cards clipped to clipboards hanging above them.   A couple of pigs with red eartags, indicating they have received medication, playing with a bowling ball.
Red cards show the diagnosis and treatment of sick sows.   Eartags identify growing pigs that have received antibiotics.
A transport sheet, providing details about the load of pigs.   A Truebridge cutsheet.
Farms fill out load details when they ship pigs.   Clear instructions are given to the plant for each cut of pork.
A fab team member recording temperature measurements.   Boxes of product.
A Truebridge employee takes notes during fabrication.   Each box of product is monitored until its delivery.

Before the Farm

Truebridge veterinarians work with genetic suppliers to carefully select family lines with the right temperament to live happily in a large pen configuration, to be good mothers, and and to have excellent meat quality.

Next, they work with nutritionists to formulate a healthy diet specific for Truebridge pigs. Since the pigs are antibiotic-free, it's important that they eat really well, so they are resistant to getting sick, and stay bright-eyed and curly-tailed without any meds. All feed ingredients are traced back to the source to make sure they are high quality and uncontaminated with by-products, chemical residues, or microbes.

At the Farm

Truebridge farmers keep careful records about key events in the lives of their pigs. This includes stuff like their health, diets, and movements throughout the farm. Some data, like when and what the pigs eat, are automatically recorded electronically in the barn or feed mill. Other types of information, such as the kind of mother a sow is, are faithfully transcribed by the farmers who work closely with those pigs.

The farmers share their rich store of data with Truebridge, so there are permanent digital records covering the life history of every pig.

At the Plant

Truebridge employees are on hand to observe the pigs from when they are delivered to the plant until they are slaughtered, to ensure they are handled humanely. Records are kept about anything unusual that happens and any concerns.

Similarly, on the fabrication floor, Truebridge team members monitor workmanship and compliance with product specifications. Just as the farmers share their data with Truebridge, Truebridge employees share their data with the plant employees and supervisors, so there's a sense of teamwork and people working together to make things better.

During Transport

Even when product is in someone else's hands, Truebridge continues to monitor cold chain management. Temperature loggers are included in randomized boxes of product to confirm the product is kept within an ideal range until it reaches the customer. Truebridge routinely compiles information from its customers regarding the condition of the product on arrival.

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